The BuschKollegium Karlsruhe was formed in 2012 for a recording of chamber music by Adolf Busch by the SWR (Southwest German Radio), published in London on the label “Toccata Classics”. Presently there are four CDs by the BuschKollegium: two with chamber music by Adolf Busch and one with chamber music by Josef Schelb (1894-1977).
The BuschKollegium is a pool of musicians who, because the works of these two composers call for various and very different instrumental formations, come together for specific recording and performance projects. We have even been able to perform works of Adolf Busch for large orchestra. In the future we will remain an open group of musicians.
Our musicians are members of professional orchestras in Stuttgart, Baden-Baden, Karlsruhe and Freiburg, or active as freelance musicians. We are united at an exceptional level of music making and in our insatiable appetite for chamber music.
The commitment of individual musicians is an essential element of this way of making music together. The process of rehearsal constantly oscillates between individual and group responsibility to produce characteristic, contoured and very fresh interpretations. The new total work of art (Gesamtkunstwerk) is the result of open communication and group discussion.
Elya Levin
Oboe/Englischhorn/Oboe d'Amore
Antoine Cottinet
Christian Kemper
Petar Hristov
Bettina Beigelbeck
Peter Bromig
Daniel Lienhard
Roland Kopp
Andrew Digby
Lucas Gérin
Ayu Ideue
Yasushi Ideue
Aureli Blaszczok
Eva-Maria Vischi
Wolfgang Wahl
Dorothea Funk
Fabio Marano
Gabriela Bradley
Bernhard Lörcher
Paula Valpola
Esther Saladin
Marie Colombat
Karl Jackl
Manfred Kratzer
Zane Stradyna
Miho Uchida
Jakob Fichert
Nina Guo
Eleonora Vacchi